NSSWIN32s = This operating system is not supported. The setup will now be halted.
NSSNT351 = This operating system is not supported. The setup will now be halted.
PIMsgTitleText = Corel Setup
PIUninstallErrorText = In order to install new fonts without affecting your current installation of Corel Print Office, please choose the "Custom" setup option and DE-SELECT (un-check) the Corel Print Office, Corel Photo House, and Corel Colleagues & Contacts components before proceeding to the fonts page.
PIUninstallErrorText2 = In order to install new writing tools without affecting your current installation of Corel Print Office, please choose the "Custom" setup option and DE-SELECT (un-check) the Corel Print Office - Program Files, Corel Photo House, and Corel Colleagues & Contacts components.